Kenti is a food delivery bag with technology to keep the food warm for longer ensuring that the meal retains its flavor, aroma, texture and temperature from leaving the restaurant to its final destination: the customer's table.
A Kenti é uma caixa de delivery de comida com tecnologia para manter o calor da comida por mais tempo garantindo que a refeição conserve seu sabor, aroma, textura e temperatura desde a saída do restaurante até o destino final: a mesa do cliente.
Fui contratado para criar a marca e a identidade da Kenti. Somente cores quentes foram usadas com a cor preta para contraste, aliados a uma tipografia forte e a um sistema visual que transmite o principal atributo do produto: o calor. Desenvolvi também materiais como papelaria, etiquetas, sacolas, uniformes dos motoboys, luva para manejo, onboarding kit, stickers.
A Kenti vai revolucionar o mercado de delivery de comida com sua tecnologia.
Kenti is a food delivery bag with technology to keep the food warm for longer ensuring that the meal retains its flavor, aroma, texture and temperature from leaving the restaurant to its final destination: the customer's table.
I was hired to create the Kenti brand and identity. Only warm colors were used with black for contrast, combined with strong typography and a visual system that conveys the main attribute of the product: heat. I also developed materials such as stationery, labels, bags, uniforms, handling gloves, onboarding kit, stickers.
Kenti will revolutionize the food delivery market with its technology.